Hydrographical activity means collection and processing as well as evaluating and publishing the data needed for quantitative and qualitative characterization of surface and underground water as well as hydro-meteorological elements. ÉDUVIZIG performs this task by operating an extensive network of measuring stations.
Recognition of quantitative status of surface waters and following its change are performed by collecting the data of water level and water temperature of the selected sections of watercourses and lakes as well as by regular measurement of water and sediment discharge and in more thn 280 sections.
In most of the stations, data collection is performed with digital recording equipments. From the 45 stations that are the most important in respects of water control and water management the automatic telemetry system can provide water level and discharge data even every 5 minutes.
Collecting the quantitative data of underground (ground-, aquiferic-, and karst-) waters is performed at the 550 hydrologic observation wells. Most of the measurements are performed by digital recording instruments, in case of 42 stations with telemetry.
Precipitation, snow and evaporation data, as hydro-meteorological parameters provided by 24 measuring station. 13 from these are precipitation gauge stations equipped with modern data collecting and transmitting devices and are operated together by the Hungarian Meteorological Service and the Directorate.
Beside the continuous data collection at the stations, the hydrographical unit of the directorate performs 700-1100 discharge measurements in the selected watercourse sections.
The above mentioned data is published to the professional and public users after the specified checks and processing.
ÉDUVÍZIG performs full hydrologic activity according to ISO quality management standard (presently ISO 9001:2008.) since March of 2003. Such, the data collected with calibrated measuring equipments according to the quality management system are respected as certified data.
Discharge measurement structure at creek Rák (Sopron)Groundwater observation well (Lipót)
Discharge measuring with ADCP equipment (Lajta, Mosonmagyaróvár)